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Do you have questions on how to properly use Sage Timeslips Software? Do you want to link QuickBooks Software or Sage 50 Accounting to your Sage Timeslips database? Do you have errors in your Sage Timeslips data files? We can help you and work with you each time you need a Sage Timeslips Consultant. We have an office in Georgia but work with clients all across the USA when you need expert help.
Issues Still Exist in Timeslips
Sage Timeslips has released Service Release 1 for the current version of Timeslips. While this always fixes issues from the previous version we always recommend waiting a bit prior to installing the latest release.
For example, these were reported just after the last release.
- When running a report where you want to select a specific or a range of clients when you change the selection filter at the top to “exclude” all of the checkmarks are not cleared
- When copying a slip where the task is set to DO NOT BILL the new bill is copied as billable
- When exporting slip information the Client Selection is blank and the field is not accessible
They always get these types of issues resolved quickly and lots of blogs today report on them. If you need support reach out to us at providing sage timeslips support in Georgia GA and surrounding states. Sage Timeslips consultant in Georgia GA started in 1989