by Jennifer O'Brien | Jun 15, 2015 | Sage TImeslips Support
When you add a new Timeslips user and workstation, Timeslips may give you an error message regarding the amount of Sage Timeslips licenses you have purchased. However, this Timeslips error message may pop up when there have not been any new users added, preventing...
by Jennifer O'Brien | Jun 5, 2015 | Sage TImeslips Support
Sage Timeslips Support 2012 – Service Release Several years ago, Sage created The Sage Obsolescence Policy. This policy notified all customers that Sage would continue to support the current Sage Timeslips product release as well as the two prior releases of...
by Jennifer O'Brien | Jun 5, 2015 | Sage TImeslips Support
Sage Timeslips 2011 Consultant – Software Support on Obsolete Versions Do you need to install Sage Timeslips on a new workstation? It’s simple! To reinstall or install Timeslips on a new workstation: From the new Timeslips workstation or the workstation...